Kuwait EPA at "Eye on Earth" Summit

GISCON Solutions is proud to announce that our client Kuwait Environment Public Authority (Kuwait EPA) has been selected to participate in the preparation and organization for the international Eye on Earth Summit, to be hosted by Environment Authority Abu Dhabi and UNEP in Abu Dhabi, UAE, in December this year. Mr. Mohammad Al-Ahmad, Head of our current project eMISK, is a member of the Framework Committee, the highest committee overlooking the whole summit. In addition, two of our consultants are participating in various working groups preparing for the summit. The summit will convene world leaders in the environmental and societal information networking movement to identify and celebrate best impact data initiatives from around the globe; reach a consensus on the key issues regarding greater data accessibility; and encourage stakeholders to collaborate to strengthen existing initiatives and, where necessary, launch new ones. For more information on the summit, please visit www.eyeonearthsummit.org.


Contact Person

  • GISCON Solutions

    Ahmed Talaat, MSc.
    +49 (0)2307 970790 +49 (0)2307 970791 Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
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