GISCON Solutions at EMEA

Also this year, GISCON Solutions is participating as an exhibitor at the ESRI Europe, Middle East and Africa User Conference (EMEA) in Rome, Italy, from 26-28/10/2010. The conference is a very good opportunity to meet with colleagues, partners and clients. During the conference GISCON demonstrates its wide range of consulting services and ArcGIS-based products. Among other things, the visitors of GISCON booth will be introduced to GISCON Geodata Manager (GDM) and the Geodata Analysis, Visualization and Editing ArcGIS Server-based product GEODAVE. GISCON also demonstrates the new product DisAgg; an advanced product that disaggregates the statistical zonal data honoring the land use schemes into high resolution raster cells.


Contact Person

  • GISCON Solutions

    Ahmed Talaat, MSc.
    +49 (0)2307 970790 +49 (0)2307 970791 Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
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