GISCON Jung & Richter GbR

Our Freising office focuses on the development, distribution, and support of digital interfaces for data exchange between various Geographic Information Systems as well as data conversion services.
The availability of various commercial Geographic Information Systems focussing on numerous applications results in different specific data models and formats. This requires the development of data conversion approaches via appropriate interfaces. We provide software that converts major GIS data formats and transfers the data between different GIS systems in digital form.
Our main focus lies in the development of interfaces, which facilitate the data transfer to and from ESRI products. Specifically, our interfaces support the Geographic Information Systems ArcView, ArcInfo, and ArcGIS with their specific data models and formats. The majority of the interfaces offered are bi-directional, i.e. they allow the exchange of data between different GIS systems in both directions.
Due to the importance of certain file formats and their specific relevance to GIS applications in Germany, our interfaces serve primarily the official topographic and cartographic information system of the German surveying authority (ATKIS) and the automated land cadastre of the official land register administration (ALK). Although the importance of the Geographic Data File (GDF) format for road network data and the system SICAD of the company Siemens Geomatics has decreased recently for various reasons, we also support and maintain these interfaces for our customers using these formats.
Since the future of the German geodata market will be based on the use of the official spatial base data (ALKIS and ATKIS) and their XML-based data exchange format NAS, we are presently focusing on the development of a new interface between the aforementioned format and ESRI products. As the distribution of NAS-data is in its infancy and the specification of the NAS-format is likely to be changed, the development of this interface is ongoing.
Presently, we provide solutions for a data exchange between the following systems and their specific exchange formats:
- ATKIS and ALK via EDBS
- GDF (Geographic Data File Standard)
Further solutions including older formats like BGRUND and DFK can be provided on a case-by-case basis.
Our core competencies
- Development of data exchange interfaces (NAS, EDBS, SICAD, GDF, etc)
Distribution of data exchange interfaces
Support, warranty and maintenance
Data conversion (NAS, EDBS, SICAD, GDF, DXF, etc)